The old sales wisdom applies here: The bait must taste good to the fish and not to the angler. Only those who have the right feeling for potential buyers will know what is decisive for a purchase decision. Here it is important that the real estate sale is properly prepared. If you wish to buy a house and you want to have further more information, visit . Only if you present your property in the best light will you receive the highest price. This means that you clean up your property. Try to take back your personal style of living and leave plenty of room for the buyer's ideas. If the property is empty, it is advisable to furnish it spartanly and unobtrusively.

How to achieve the best price?

Only if you make the prospective buyer feel comfortable in the surroundings will he or she be willing to invest a higher amount. With the following adjusting screws we achieve the best price for you:
  • Commitment - Every enquiry is important, every interested party is taken seriously and their questions are always answered and documented in detail.
  • Qualified customer data base with at present approx. 5,000 addresses - the customer data base is still the capital of the real estate agent. Only a well maintained customer database brings success. Because we know perhaps already now the buyer for your real estate.

Marketing and advertising your real estate

The correct real estate representation is often crucial. The prospective customer must decide on the basis the first picture, which he sees, whether he wants to concern himself with these real estate’s further or not. If this impression is not correct, you have already lost 50% of the potential interested parties. Marketing and advertising measures must be well coordinated. Only if the measures complement each other and do not block each other will they lead to success. Sales-strong team - selling is an art, because who will let itself be "talked up" already with a high investment of several 100,000, - EUR something? That is simply not possible. As real estate agents, we inform, advice and convey to interested parties a good and secure feeling for decision-making. Qualified team of assistants - The back office is just as important today as the seller himself, because a good real estate agent converses with customers in the property and does not sit at their desk. Nevertheless, the office must be accessible and able to provide necessary information promptly. The right price - it can be decisive whether the property is offered at 10,000 EUR too much or too little in order to be able to achieve the highest price at the end. Here we do not make compromises with the real estate evaluation and clarify you from the outset about the effect of the offered price.